Real-DRAW Basics

Combine two or more objects

This tool combines two or more, Path, Text, or Polynome objects together either as XOR or Union

In the previous example, we learned how to add an Island to an object, however, there is an easier method, which does exactly the same thing.

  • First we draw two circles, one larger, one in the background, and on top of it, we draw a smaller one.
    We just select a different color of the top circle to be visible on the picture.
  • Now click outside the object and drag a mouse selection rectangle around both objects to select them. (You can also select objects by holding the Shift key and selecting additional objects.)
  • Click the Combine XOR button

Note: The resulting object will get the color and properties of the first object in the selection. If you select all objects by dragging a selection rectangle around them then the first object will be the bottom one. If you use the Shift-Click method, then the first object will be the one you selected first.

You can combine text, paths, and Polynomes together. The result will always be a Polynome.
You can't combine bitmap objects, however, you can make holes in the bitmap by using Bitmap Mask tools.

Tip: Combine XOR a rectangle object and text to get a reverse (cut) text.

XOR and Union
Combine can have 2 modes: XOR and Union.

You can change the Mode (XOR or Union) anytime after you apply XOR or Union Combine from the menu:
Object-Combine Objects-Change Mode.

Another way in which to combine objects, into one object, is to use Packages